Inductive load bank 501 KVA and 671 KVA

Rentaload offers two trailer-mounted mobile inductive load banks for hire:

  • 501 KVA
  • 671 KVA

They can be coupled together to reach a total power of 1172 KVA.

With their supervision software, you can send them instructions and collect extremely precise data during your tests (P/U/I/). These are SMART equipment that will bring real added value to your tests.

They also adapt to different sectors of activity (data center, industry, health and hospitals, maritime and naval, etc.) and are perfectly suited to testing generator sets, for example.

It is a range geared towards the “service and maintenance” of equipment.

501 KVA Inductive Trailer Datasheet

671 KVA Inductive Trailer Datasheet

Advantages and features of the 501 KVA and 671 KVA inductive load bank

  • Cos phi 0.8;
  • 1 KVA resolution;
  • Feedback of measurements (P/U/I/ ) thanks to the Rentalab supervision software in order to bring added value to your tests;
  • Remote control via a supervision PC (saving time during the tests);
  • Possibility of coupling the two trailers for a total power of 1.172 KVA;
  • All-terrain range ; equipment adapted to industrial, tertiary sites or slightly more atypical sites such as dams or naval bases;
  • Ideally suited for testing generator sets (mainly for equipment maintenance contracts);

Measurement feedback from the 501 KVA and 671 KVA inductive load bank

With Rentalab supervision software

This software will allow you to control one or two trailers via a single computer on site. You will be able to send them instructions and collect extremely precise data during the tests (P/U/I).

Rentalab is also:

  • Real-time plotting of supervision curves;
  • The recovery of electrical information from your tests;
  • Edition of test reports.

For more information do not hesitate to contact us:

501 KVA and 671 KVA inductive load bank connection systems

Rentaload adapts to your electrical configuration thanks to its different cables and connection boxes. Indeed, we have different cable lengths and sections for our trailer-mounted inductive load banks:

  • from 5m to more than 100m;
  • with sections of 120/150/185/240 mm2.

These are mainly thimble cables (10mm or 12mm). They provide three-phase connections between inductive load banks on trailers and your installations.

Discover all our cables and accessories.

Maintenance of your equipment with our 501 KVA, 671 KVA inductive load banks

Many buildings are equipped with generators ( data centers , ships, hospitals, shopping centers, prisons etc. ) . This equipment is essential in the event of a failure of the main electricity network. They therefore have an interest in functioning well.

And to make sure they are working properly, they need to be tested regularly using load banks. This is called “periodic maintenance testing of electrical equipment”.

By carrying out these periodic tests with Rentaload trailer-mounted load banks, you will be able to vary the load. Our load banks are perfectly adjusted to the generating set that we wish to test (the latter generally having a cos phi of 0.8).

Inductive load banks thus offer the possibility of fully testing the generating set at 100% of the active power .

At Rentaload , we have chosen a range of load banks on trailer. This allows to be very mobile on equipment maintenance contracts. That maintenance can also be provided by our technicians, directly on site. This service includes assistance to the customer in the use of the equipment.

Technical table of inductive load banks 501 KVA – 671 KVA

Type Values
Power 501 KVA 671 KVA
Voltage 400 V – Three phase – 50/60 Hz 400 V – Three phase – 50/60 Hz
Resolution 1 KVA 1 KVA
cranes Within 1 KVA by touch screen Within 1 KVA by touch screen
Food Internal/external selection button Auxiliary 400 V (3ph+E) Internal/external selection button Auxiliary 400 V (3ph+E)
Ventilation forced horizontal forced horizontal
Security Emergency stop Emergency stop
Weight GVW:< 3200kg (2.7T) GVW:< 3200kg (2.7T)
Lenght 1,900 millimeters 1,900 millimeters
Length 5070mm 4900mm

The different types of tests with the 501 KVA and 671 KVA inductive load banks

Inverter test

You want to test your inverter, discover all the specificities of this type of test.

Generator set test

You wish to test your generating set, discover all the specificities of this type of test.


Free and without contract

Services associated with the rental of load banks

Support from A to Z

We offer a la carte services.

We can create for you a turnkey service. She understands :

  • delivery of equipment on site,
  • their installations and connections,
  • assistance in carrying out your tests or the complete commissioning service.