Electric chain test
Rentaload operates throughout Europe in various business sectors to carry out electrical tests for its customers.
These tests are carried out using our load banks and make it possible to verify the functions of the electrical infrastructure equipment including the different levels of redundancy before commissioning and operation. This is generally the the last chance to test these installations, so these tests are very important and highly recommended.
Find out on this page everything you need to know about testing your electrical chain.
- Why should an entire electrical infrastructure be tested?
- When should this type of test be performed?
- With what types of load banks?
Also discover the sectors of activity in which we operate and the services we offer in addition to the rental of load banks.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
What to know about electric chain testing
Testing your electrical chain means testing each of its components as well as the associated electrical redundancy levels (GE, inverters, batteries). From the transformer to the electrical panels in the rooms, it is indeed the whole of the electrical distribution and the elements that make it up, which are tested.
These tests make it possible to check that the electrical installation complies with what had been defined upstream in the specifications. By checking that everything is working perfectly, these tests provide an additional guarantee to the owner of the building, responsible for its operation in the future. These tests also make it possible to avoid any subsequent breakdowns or malfunctions and thus increase the reliability of all the infrastructures.
For more information on this subject, please contact us directly: contact@rentaload.com
Why should you test your electric chain?
- To verify that the electrical installations operate in accordance with the technical specifications of the initial specifications;
- To verify that the electrical installation is capable of handling the room’s load increase by carrying out tests in stages (for example 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%);
- To verify that the electrical installation is capable of holding the load at 100% ;
- To check the redundancies of the electrical system (in case a breakdown occurs);
- To verify that there are no hot spots requiring adjustments, configurations or reconfigurations.
When should you test your electric chain?
The tests of your electrical chain can take place at several times:
- At the installation to qualify your computer room: at the time of the reception of the building, we come to test the entire electrical chain of the infrastructure in order to verify that it complies with the basic requirements and that everything works perfectly.
- After any maintenance to requalify your computer room: after a renovation for example, we come to retest the electrical chain of your infrastructure to check that it still works as well.
With which load banks can you test your electrical chain?
Services associated with the rental of load banks